Uppsala Convention Bureau

Contact local media

Want the media to notice your arrangement? The links on the right show the editors operating in Uppsala. Below are tips on what your press release should contain.

place day month year

EYECATCHING HEADING – This highlights the key points about the news.

Introduction – Begin with an introductory text that briefly summarises the news.

Then write a brief intro about what the arrangement is about and why you chose Uppsala.

You can include a first statement/quote from your business that confirms the above statement.

  • One or a couple of facts to supplement the introductory text.
  • Number of participants and any general public
  • Number of days
  • Location
  • Previous year?

Brief statement from you as organiser.
Such as:

  • What does hosting mean for your business?
  • What do you hope to get out of the meeting/event, for your own business, in the long term?
  • What do you want the participants to take away from the arrangement in Uppsala?

For more information, contact:
First name Last name, Position in company
Direct dial, email address

To think about - Golden rules

Heading: Max one line, ideally no more than 40 characters including spaces
Text: Ideally no more than 1,200 characters including spaces