En projektion med två par ögon på fasaden av UKK i Uppsala

Otherwordly Festival 2023

Experience music and art in a combination that leaves an impression! Otherworldly is a festival for digital art and electronic music – the initiators describe it as a speculative vision of the future, a hypothetical statement seen through art and music. It’s a hybridization that blends expressions and ideas, allowing them to meet and mutate. The project is led by the artist and initiator Peder Bjurman and the musician and composer Christian Hutchinson Berg. During the festival, you can also book guided tours with afternoon tea.

One of the highlights of the festival is the piece ‘All Eyes,’ a large-scale facade projection at Uppsala Art Museum and Uppsala Concert & Congress, featuring close-up images of hundreds of Uppsala residents, all looking at us with a common question: What does the future mean for us?


Uppsala Konsert & Kongress + Uppsala Konstmuseum


Oct 19th-21st 2023