Events in Uppsala

Museinatten (Uppsala Museum Night)

Uppsala’s museums offer a wonderful and inspiring mix of events aafter hours, outdoors and inside of the city’s museums. Experience and learn something new in the company of others. All while the sun settles over the city!

At the museums you can discover the exhibitions and also take part in various events such as workshops, bedtime stories, pop-up circuses, guided tours and lots of other exciting activities! Everything happens during the evening. Read the entire program, see opening times and more info at Uppsala’s Museums.

Participating museums:

  • Biotopia
  • Botaniska trädgården
  • Tropiska växthuset
  • Bror Hjorths Hus
  • Evolutionsmuseet Zoologi
  • Gamla Uppsala museum
  • Linnémuseet och Linnéträdgården
  • Medicinhistoriska museet
  • Museijärnvägen Lennakatten
  • Pumphuset
  • Uppsala industrimuseum
  • Uppsala konstmuseum

Event Details

When: June 1 2024, during the evening and night
Where: On several of te city’s museums
Arrangör: Uppsalas museer

Event Calendar