Uppsala destination
Om Destination Uppsala
About the website
Destinationuppsala.se is Uppsala’s official visitor guide. The website is owned by Destination Uppsala AB, which has the main task of selling and promoting Uppsala.
How do you share your feedback?
For us, nothing is more important than what you, as a user, think of us, Uppsala, and our website. You can share your feedback on destinationuppsala.se in several ways. If you want to share your experiences and opinions, you can do so by commenting on the content on the website under the ‘Have Your Say’ button. You can also send your feedback to us via email at webmaster-duab@uppsala.se.
The copyright for the content on this website is held by Destination Uppsala, which reserves all rights. If you wish to use any information, always contact Destination Uppsala and be sure to attribute/link to the source.
Our images may not be copied or used in other contexts without the consent of Destination Uppsala. If you are interested in downloading Uppsala images, please visit our image bank.
The content on this website is editorial. This means that information received through tips or recommendations undergoes review and potential editing. The editorial team at destinationuppsala.se has full control over the presentation and selection of information that is recorded and presented on the website. The information is handled according to these guidelines:
The information should be judged to be of interest to visitors to Uppsala. Information of overly local character will not be published. Information that could be perceived as offensive or containing racist or sexist messages will be deleted. The information should be as concise and objective as possible. Information of international interest aimed at foreign visitors and information of national interest aimed at Swedish visitors are prioritized.
By contributing information via our event forms or through comments, you also agree that Destination Uppsala may share the information with our partners and that the information may be used by us and our partners to promote Uppsala as a destination. Event information that you provide as a tip may be used by Destination Uppsala and its partners in printed materials as well as for online publication.
Personal Data
Destination Uppsala’s goal is to ensure that all individuals whose personal data is processed by us can always feel confident that their personal privacy is respected and that their personal data is treated with due care. Destination Uppsala will comply with national data protection legislation regarding the collection and use of data related to individuals (personal data), such as GDPR. Personal data, including data such as names and addresses, that you provide to Destination Uppsala will be processed both manually and by computers. The personal data you provide will be processed in order to provide you with the information and services you have requested, as well as for marketing purposes and for sales/product development tracking.
Under GDPR, you have the right to access and correct your personal data. Destination Uppsala will respect this right as far as possible to fulfill its legal obligations.
Contact Destination Uppsala’s Data Protection Officer – dso.destinationuppsala@jpinfonet.se